CTLGFVER 1$VER: Cibils.catalog 5.0 (10-08-1999) - By zIgUS english Radio-Amateur Utility About... Contact me !!! "Search a channel from a frequency "Search a frequency from a channel Search French departments Search division number %International Radio-Amateur language QRA-Locator Notebook of traffic Enter desired frequency (Khz) Channel Frequency slide Filter Filter Radio-Amateur language Filter International alphabet Locator Locator 1 Locator 2 Range Azimuth Geographics coordinates Latitude Degrees Minutes Seconds Longitude Degree Minutes Seconds Balance Delete About... Notebook of traffic Start Indicative Type of emitter Forename Locator Frequency Bande Strength Antenna Weather report Signal Radio Commentary Abort Print Balance QSL in waitings Received QSL Total QSO South Normal North South Stationary station Mobile station Maritime station No QSL In waiting QSL Received QSL Small QRM Strong QRM Middle QRM Operator's home Work's position Range between two stations Direction Estimated time to arrival Frequency Unstable Frequency Dialling transmission How do you receive me ? Radio report ( radio 1...5 ) I am busy Industrials interferences Faraway interferences Gendarme, policeman Atmospherics interferences Strong, good Small, weak Small Boy Small Girl Transmit more faster please Station's name Transmit more slowly please !Stop the transmission and go out Nothing else to say I'm ready Inform that I am calling Stand-by a moment please Station's call +Signal strenght ( Santiago 1...9 +10 +30 ) Fading, variation Price, cost "Can I continue the transmission ? Acknowledgement of reception Radio link, chat Intermediate relay General interest communiquation Can you listen on... Change the frequency #What is your geographic position ? Locale hour or GMT #My station is open from ... to ... Weather forecast Have a good trip Wishes, Greeting Good Fete Cordial handshake Good contact Peace and wishes Best wishes Big kisses Clear the frequency Good Health 73 + 51 #Horizontal Polarization, Go to bed Go to bed, but not alone 73 + 88 73 + 51 + 88 To Pee Take a drink ( With somebody ) Telephone Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Radio diffusion Unique Lateral Band ( USB LSB ) Low frequency General Call Morse Long range contact Antenne ground plan Radio-Amateur High Frequency Laughing, hilarity To be OK A lady A man Your work, your occupation Your receiver Short waves Short waves listening The stationary waves rate Television interference Your tranceiver Ultra High Frequency The frequency Gap Very High Frequency Old Friends An Young lady The operateur's wife Weather Linear Amplifier Your tranceiver Your fixed home station Radar +Can i enter in your conversation, please ? Antenna Good bye Postcode Receive, Listen The frequency +Mobil station who is stopped when transmit Take a drink with somebody Take a lunch with The Highway )A distress call, a distress signal (SOS) Your tranceiver's microphone Transmit $A mobil station, a car in mouvement $Overflow on an or several frequency Go to bed Your tranceiver's microphone A post box A car A truck A directive antenna Radio and strenght signal Have you received ? Signal strenght An emission place The spriding range .Stay in frequency one moment but not transmit A television A linear amplifier To meet an operator somewhere Increase the emission power Watts A short waves tranceiver ALPHA LIMA An IMAGE BOX A_FISHING_ROD CHERRIO BYE COPIER The QRG FIXE MOBILE GASTRO LIQUID GASTRO SOLID THE GREAT RIBBON MODULER MOBIL MOUSTACHER PASSER EN 144 PASTILLE 1000 PATTES RATEAU REPORT TONTON VITAMINES Kilometers degree Enter the desired channel Enter the desired band Frequency gap Frequency :> Latitude Longitude Main menu Italy Brazil Argentina Venezuela Colombia West Indies Dutchs Canada Mexico Puerto Rico Uruguay Germany French Switzerland Belgium Hawai Greece Netherlands Norway Sweden Guyana French Jamaique Panama Japan England Iceland Honduras Irland Spain Portugal Chile Alaska Islands Canaries Austria Marine San Dominican Republic Greenland Angola Liechtenstein News Zelande Liberia Australia South Africa Yugoslavia Germany eastern Denmark Arabia Saudi Balearic Islands Andore Island Feroe El Salvador Luxemburg Gibraltar Finland India Malaysia eastern Island Dodecanese Hong Kong Ecuador Island Guam Holy Island Helene Senegal Sierra Leone Mauritanie Paraguay Northern Ireland Costa Rica American Samoa Island Midway Guatemala Surinam Namibie Islands Acores Morocco Ghana Zambia Philippines Bolivia Saint Andres Guantanamo Bay Tanzania Quotation of Ivory Zimbabwe Nepal Yemen Nigeria Island of Crete Indonesia Lybie Island of Malte Arabic Emirates Unite Mongolie Tonga Israel Singapore Island Fidji Korea News Guinea Koweit Haiti Corsica Botswana Ceuta and Melilla Monaco Scotland Hungary Cyprus Jordan Lebanon Malaysia West Pakistan Quatar Turkey Egypt Gambia Madere Antigua Bahamas Barbadoss Bermuda Islands of Amsterdam Island Cayman Nicaragua Virgin Islands (USA) Virgin Islands (GB) Island Macquaries Island Norfolk Guyana Island Marshal Island Marianas Belau Solomon Martinique Island of Man City of the Vatican South Yemen Antarctic St Stone and Miquelon Lesatho Saint Lucie Islands of Paques Galapados Algeria Tunisia Island of ascension Laccadive Island Baharain Island Maldives Thailande Taiwan Cameroon Mount Serrat Trinidad and Tobago Somalia Sudan Poland Zaire Country of Wales Sardinia Jersey Islands Maurice Guernsey Burkina Faso Swalbard News Caledonie Reunion Ouganda Republic centers African Sri Lanka Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Syria Republic of Guinea Benin Burundi Comores Djibouti Kenya Madagascar Mayotte Seychelles Swaziland Coconuts Keeling Dominica Grenada Guadeloupe Vanuatu Island Malouines Guinea Equatorial South Shetland Polynesia French Bhutan China Mozambique Green Cape Ethiopia Holy Island Martin Glorious Island Juan of Nova Wallis of Futuna Jan Mayen Island Aland Market Reef Congo Gabon Christmas Belize Anguilla Holy Vincent South Orkney South Sandwich Samoa West Kiribati West Brunei Malawi Rwanda Island Chagos Island Heard Micronesie Holy Peter Aruba Romania Afghanistan U.I.T. Geneva Bangladesh Burma Kampuchea Macao Spratly Vietnam Agalega and Brandon Pagalu Niger Sao Volume Navassa Turks and Caicos North Cook Island Cook Albania Revilla and Gigedo Adaman and Nicobar Mount Athos Kerguelen Prince Edouard and Marion Island Rodriguez Tristan da Cunha Tromelin Baker and Howland Island Chatham Island Johnston Island Kermadec Kingman Reef Central Kiribati Kiribati Is Lord Howe Mellish Reef Minami Torishima Nauru Island Nive Jarvis and Palmyra Pitcairn Tokelau Tuvalu Sand Island Island Wake Island Willis Island Aves Ogasawara Campbell Holy Kitts and Nevis Holy Paul Fernando of Nohora Juan Fernandez Malpelo Holy Felix and Ambrosio Island South Georgia Trinidad and Holy Martin Dhekelia and Akrotiri Abu - garlic Guinea Bissau Peter First Sudan South Clipperton Bouvet Crozet Sesecheo Rio of Oro Armenia Russia Asian Azerbaidjan Estonia Franz Joseph Land Georgie Kaliningradsk Kazakhstan Kirghiz Lettonie Lithuania Moldavie Tadzhik Turkoman Ukrain Uzebek Russia White Sno Malta O.N.U. New York Banaba Conway Reef Walvis Bay Yemen Penguin Rotuma Malyjvysotskj Slovenie Croatia Czech Republic Republic Slovak Bosnia - Herzegovine Macedoine Erithree Korea of the north Scarborough Reef Pratas Island Indicative Type of emitter Forename Locator Hour of start of the QSO Hour of end of the QSO Frequency Bande Strength Antenna Weather report Signal Radio Commentary Impression in progress... Notebook of traffic cDo you want to delete this registration ? 1Date 1Indicative 1Type of emitter